Aerospace EngineerPiper Wing Spar1 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 18, 2024Understanding the Construction of Piper Wing Spars This video explores the construction and design of Piper PA-28 and PA-32 series aircraft wings, focusing on the main spar, attach fittings,…
AircraftAviation CareersFlight TrainingLearn To FlyPilot Resources21 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 10, 2024How to Get Your Pilot’s License in 2025: Everything Future Pilots Need to Know The long version There’s something magical about taking control of an aircraft and soaring through the clouds. If you’ve ever dreamed of…
Airspace USAAirspace USAFlight Training1 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 7, 2024Airspace Mastery: Quiz Your Airspace IQ Hey there, future pilots and seasoned aviators! Got your headset ready? We’re about to embark on a fun journey through the sky’s…
Recreational FlyingUAV/UAS/Drones4 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 6, 2024The Ultimate Guide to Recreational UAS Flying: Soar Safely and Legally Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, have revolutionized the way we capture aerial views and enjoy the thrill of flight.…
Flight Attendant5 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 5, 2024How to Become a Flight Attendant in the USA: Your Ultimate Guide Have you ever dreamed of turning the world into your office, soaring through the skies, and exploring new destinations? A career as a flight…
Aviation Humor2 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 4, 2024Attention Aviation Enthusiasts: Are You Infected with the Aviation Virus or Aviationpox? Do you often find yourself gazing skyward, captivated by the sound of jet engines? Does the sight of an airport fill you with giddy…
For Aviation SchoolsOperations2 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 3, 2024BOI Reporting for Aviation Schools: Understanding the Recent Suspension As an aviation school owner, staying informed about regulatory changes that may affect your operations is crucial. One such regulation is the…
Aviation BooksFlight TrainingHandBooksHelicopter1 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 3, 2024FREE FAA Helicopter Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-21B The FAA Helicopter Flying Handbook is a comprehensive guide for aspiring and experienced helicopter pilots. Published by the Federal Aviation…
Aviation VideosCool Videos1 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 2, 202450 Unbelievable Aviation Moments Caught on Camera Prepare to be amazed by this thrilling compilation of extraordinary aviation feats. From daring emergency landings to breathtaking aerial…
Flight TrainingQuiz1 Min Read Comanche82onDecember 1, 2024Test Your Knowledge: A Quiz on Icing Conditions Understanding icing conditions is a critical aspect of safe flight operations, especially for private pilots who may encounter adverse weather…