Here's a list of helpful resources that you can use when you're planning your next Flight!

Aviation Fuel Prices: - Has a continuously updated list of aviation fuel prices in the United States. - Offers a simple search to find aviation fuel prices anywhere in the United States. You can also use their flight planning tool to plan your fuel stops.
GlobalAir.Com - Shows aviation fuel prices in the United States
Online Flight Planning and Charts: - Has a very cool free online flight planner. You'll also find aviation fuel prices, airport information and aviation charts. - Free mobile friendly aviation charts with airport information and some weather. - Also offers free online flight planning. They also have free Apple, Android and Windows apps that you can download.
Weather: - They offer free access to U.S. Federal Aviation Administration approved weather information.
NOAA Aviation Weather Center - Aviation weather straight from the U.S Government. - Free weather and flight planning powered by Lockheed Martin. - Aviation weather for Canada.
Flight Tracker: - Free flight tracking website. Free real time flight tracking. Also has apps for Apple and Android.
FAA TFR Map - Here's a map that shows TFRs in the United States.
FAA List of TFRs - Here's a list of TFRs from the FAA.
Flight Planning Forms:
International ICAO Flight Plan Form : FAA Form 7233-4 (PDF) - The FAA prefers that you use this form for all flights.
Domestic Flight Plan Form USA: FAA Form 7233-1 - Use this flight planning form if you do not plan on leaving the US Airspace.
Dax's VFR Flight Planning Form - Here's a free VFR flight planning form PDF.

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